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HBN Cooling Packings for Automotive Applications

Boron nitride (especially hexagonal boron nitride, h-BN for short), as a new synthetic inorganic material, shows a wide range of applications in the automotive industry. With its unique physical and chemical properties, such as high thermal conductivity, good insulation, high-temperature stability, and low density, this material has become a key factor in enhancing automotive performance, reliability, and fuel efficiency.

I. Enhancement of automotive thermal management capabilities

In modern automobiles, with the improvement of electrification and intelligence, the number and performance requirements of electronic components are increasing. These components will generate a large amount of heat during operation, which, if not emitted in a timely manner, will lead to a decline in component performance or even damage. Boron nitride cooling packings are widely used in automotive thermal management systems due to their excellent thermal conductivity.

Battery systems: High-capacity battery packs in electric vehicles are one of the main sources of heat generation. By using thermally conductive materials such as thermally conductive adhesives and thermally conductive plastics with added boron nitride cooling fillers in the battery pack, the heat dissipation efficiency of the battery pack can be significantly improved, ensuring that the battery operates in the optimal temperature range, prolonging the battery's life and improving safety.

Motors and electronic control systems: Motors and electronic control systems also require efficient heat dissipation solutions. The application of boron nitride cooling packings can effectively improve the thermal conductivity of these systems, reduce the temperature rise, and ensure the stable operation of the system.

LED Lighting System: The use of thermally conductive plastics containing boron nitride cooling fillers in high-power LED lighting cups and lampholders can significantly improve heat dissipation and extend the service life of LED lights.



II. Enhancement of material properties

Boron nitride cooling filler is not only used to enhance thermal management capabilities, but also as a reinforcing agent to improve the overall performance of automotive materials.

Lightweight composites: In automotive manufacturing, lightweighting is an important means of improving fuel efficiency and reducing emissions. Boron nitride can be used as a reinforcing agent for lightweight composites, combining with other materials to form high-performance composites used in the manufacture of automotive body, frame and chassis components. Such composites can reduce vehicle weight and improve fuel efficiency.

Friction Material: Boron nitride can be used as a friction material in the braking system to enhance braking performance and safety. Its excellent high-temperature stability and anti-wear properties enable brake discs and pads to maintain excellent braking effect and reduce wear even at high temperatures.

Coating materials: On critical engine components such as pistons, cylinders and turbochargers, boron nitride coatings provide heat- and wear-resistant protection, preventing wear and corrosion of the components in high-temperature and high-pressure environments, and prolonging the service life of the engine.


The application of h-BN cooling filler in the automotive industry not only enhances the thermal management capability and material properties of the vehicle, but also optimises the machining and manufacturing process, which promotes the continuous development and progress of the automotive industry.

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